New life (Message of Light)
From the Book of Lamentations 3:22-23:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
How difficult it is for humans to grasp the profound meaning of this concept of renewal. And for good reason, most people perceive life as a struggle. This world is a jungle where only the strongest manage to carve out a path to « success ». That’s what we often think; that’s what we teach our children. This perception comes from a bias in our understanding of life. Indeed, for ordinary mortals, the « good life » lies in the comfort of routine where everything is stable and stagnant. But isn’t life about movement? Saint Paul the Apostle declares: « For in him (Jesus Christ) we live and move and have our being. » (Acts 17:28).
Yes, life is an evolving process. To live is to move. Nothing, absolutely nothing in this cosmos is at rest. Hence the singularity and sacredness of every moment of life. Not only is each moment sacred, but it is different from the previous moment and the next moment. It carries within it the seeds of a proclaimed novelty, a spiritual transformation for those who manifest the desire and will for it. But then, what’s wrong here? Why do most people dread the next moment, the next second, the next hour or the upcoming year? Worry. The ghosts of the past catch up with us and we project them into the future. The things we hoped for that could never come true… Unfulfilled promises are there and haunt every moment, creating illusory desires that prevent most people from seeing the blessings of the present moment!
But the eternal kingdom resides precisely in this consciousness of renewal. « Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. », says Christ (John 3:5). When we follow the Lord, walk with Him without stopping, when after putting our hand to the plow, we do not look back (Luke 9:62), then our intelligence is renewed. This leads Paul to say: « Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. » (2 Corinthians 5:17).
But every man aspires to happiness. The secret desire of every soul is to experience its divinity, the presence of the living God within it. So today, the message from the Lord for us is to become aware of this reality – that the past is gone and each day has enough trouble on its own. To be aware that our intelligence must be renewed at every moment in order to taste God’s real presence instead of clinging onto things from the past – that’s how we obtain a fulfilled life in God.
Good meditation.