Il y a 4 éléments sur cette page
Two paths (Message of Light)
From the book of Isaiah 28:29 : This also comes from the LORD of hosts; he is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom. Do you be...
Knowing what motivates you (Message of Light)
From the Gospel of John 6:56-57, 60-64: Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Fathe...
Blockage (Message of Light)
From the book of the prophet Jeremiah 8:7 : Even the stork in the sky knows its appointed seasons, and the turtledove, swallow, and c...
Quel est-il ?
Quel est-il, l’ennemi numéro 1 de l’homme, celui qui le fait trembler du plus profond de son être ? Quel est-il, cet enne...