One day just for me (Message of Light)
From the book of Ecclesiastes 3:11:
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
God’s work in man is colossal. His work, for the salvation of man, is even more magnificent. But is man aware of it? Not always. It happens to us, indeed, to wake up in the morning and recognize the greatness of the Creator in our lives. When, in silence, we take a few minutes for meditation and introspection, we realize the wonder that we are as creatures. However, these moments of lucidity and serenity remain marginal compared to our entire existence! And yet, God is patient… Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, He knows all things because He is All in all (1 Corinthians 15:28). So He knows that the seed of eternity sown within man will undoubtedly bear its fruit !
But obviously, what interests the Lord even more is the happiness of man… Certainly, He will never choose anything for us. But He observes our life and channels our misplaced passions. This is how He speaks to us, teaches us, shows us the way, whispers in our mind and in our heart, sends us many guides and teachers. And even if His advice remains mostly ignored, He continues to repeat to us: « Patience my son, my daughter because it is in tranquility and rest that your salvation will be found. It is in calmness and trust that your strength will lie. But you do not want it… » (Isaiah 30:15). So until when will you close your heart to receiving the good news of your own salvation? The Creator shows you the laws of His creation so that they may help you build a happy and fulfilling life but barely do you pay attention… What do you truly want for your life? That is the question!
To be happy, you have to want it. You have to know exactly what you want and be firm in your intentions. To do this, you need to dedicate time to it. Meditate on your life; meditate in your heart, connect with your soul. Prioritize everything that can lead you to this state of being! That’s why the Lord asks you today to dedicate time to Him. Just one day, to start with. A day where you can calm down and feel, taste the Silence of God, deep peace, that state of joy and inner tranquility devoid of complaints, lamentations and resentments. A pause in your movements, in the pursuit of material gain, power and worldly things…
It is rare to dedicate time to our soul. Some have never even done it! And yet, the soul is life. It is the space that makes our own light shine within us. Today, God calls us, once again, to turn our gaze towards Him. He awaits us there, deep in our hearts, in our souls, to let us taste His love so sweet and wonderful!
Will you answer His call?
Good meditation.