Anything will do (Message from Light)
From the Gospel of Matthew 6:33-34 :
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
When we feel a certain heaviness in the moment… perhaps pain, or worries and concerns… and from the depths of this discomfort, other events seem to add insult to injury – a child crying incessantly or a friend bothering us – what do we feel ? We know that what is happening now had its source a moment earlier… Our past actions have consequences that take shape now, and our reactions to these consequences will produce others in the future. But from the depths of despair, do we have this clarity? Do things seem as clear to us?
Quite often, we lament. It is because the heaviness of our mind, immersed in the situation, closes our eyes. No explanation sets us free immediately. There is density and it must be released. We need to purify, change dimension, step out of the comfort of our current position to look at all this with fresh eyes, from a new angle, less dazzled by the darkness of our emotions. And that’s why the Lord says: « Seek first the kingdom and righteousness of God…« . But the kingdom of God is not elsewhere than here and now ! It is there, « among us » (Luke 17:21). We just have to calm our minds and stop worrying so that our eyes open up and discover the splendor of this moment whose sacred dimension dissipates our density !
Seeking the kingdom of God is to discover that all the answers to our concerns are in the here and now. Nowhere else. And when we bring our mind and attention back to the present moment, our memory activates to remind us that in a certain dimension, we had certainly experienced a similar situation… how we had reacted and what were the consequences… Thus, armed with this light, we can then make new choices that are brighter, more in line with divine justice! These new choices, if perfectly integrated, purify the heart. But to do so, it is necessary to surrender oneself to the flow of events. Any situation at this moment has the potential to free the heart from emotions. Therefore, one must calm their mind and accept living through pain…
This is how any event becomes the remedy for our illness. When we are not joyful, when worry and concerns assail us, we must rely on anything to come out of it. It is enough to bring our mind back into the healing calm of the present moment! And the light returns. And joy regains its rightful place in a lighter and brighter heart. This is the path of healing, the path of purification that brings man back to his light and to the full expression of his divinity.
Good meditation.