Pronounce judgments (Message of Light)
From the Gospel of Matthew 7:1-2:
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
From the Gospel of John 8:15-16:
You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one. But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me.
To judge or analyze… To pass judgment or evaluate a situation… The line here is very thin because all the difference lies in the objectivity or subjectivity of the exercise. Most of the time, we are asked not to judge because judgment takes away from a person or object their right to exist as they are. And this is not fair. Because by virtue of free will granted to conscious beings and God’s unconditional love, we all have equal rights: the right to be whoever we want to be at every moment! Judging therefore infringes upon this fundamental right and that is why facing oneself after such an act is hardly pleasant. Indeed, when our Lord declares « For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged« , it should be understood that it is not God who judges. As clearly stated in verse 15 of chapter 8th in John’s Gospel, God does not judge anyone. Otherwise He would be judging Himself since He resides within each one of His children! Nevertheless, we live in a Universe that has its own laws and this is where judgment comes back around. Because through cause and effect (action/reaction), everything you do unto others always comes back to you in some form or another.
There is a difference between judging and analyzing. Critical thinking is required for everyone, at every moment, in order to discern what is right for oneself (Luke 12:57). We are all called to objectively evaluate each situation that presents itself to us in order to make the wisest choices for our own soul. But for this, one must understand how analysis differs from judgment…
The objectivity of an analysis comes from the fact that only facts are evaluated. And this evaluation concerns oneself and not the others as such. Thus, if I think that someone or something is good or bad for me, based on what I emit, based on how I feel in this moment or even how I would like to feel, then I am engaging in analysis. I stop there. My reflection is objective because it does not infringe upon the other person’s right to be who they are at this moment. Even if their current position is not pleasant for me, I accept it and respect their choice. In doing so, I acknowledge that we all have the right to be who we are while coexisting together!
But if my analysis focuses on the state of being of the other, how they « should » be and how they are currently because, from my point of view, they would have done this or that wrong…, then I am judging. If I think that someone or something could have had a different state of being than what it is now if they had acted differently (or if things were different), then I am fully in judgment because this is no longer an objective analysis. Such thinking indeed suggests that I know what is good for the other… But is this really the case? Who can, outside oneself, know what is good for oneself? Who can, apart from God, fathom the soul to know what it wants?
The objectivity or subjectivity of your analysis, that’s what makes all the difference. And in this process of spiritual awakening, it is a constant exercise, an effort at every moment to ask ourselves if our analysis does not infringe upon the fundamental right of a person or thing (or situation) to exist as it is! Ultimately, it is therefore about training our mind to always remain in humility, kindness and benevolence without losing critical sense, and giving thanks to God for the perfection of life that He gives us! A good analysis, devoid of any judgment, allows us to stay positive, serene and have good energy. That’s where our own happiness lies as conscious beings united with God and all creation.
Good meditation.