Advice (Message of Light)
From the Gospel of Matthew 22:16 :
They sent to him their disciples with the Herodians, who said: Master, we know that you are true, and that you teach the way of God according to the truth, without worrying of no one, for you do not look at the appearance of men.
What a beautiful testimony given to the One who was incarnated as the model of the human race! Even if these words come from the mouths of the Pharisees in order to trap Christ, we see here the manifestation of one of the greatest qualities of Man: authenticity! Indeed, truth springs from inner harmony: when the spirit unites with the soul, the light of being lights up and connects to the light of Heaven. At that moment, man no longer regards the things of this world as crucial to his life; he no longer cares about “what people will say” or appearances but he trusts in his soul, the intimate presence of God deep within his being.
“Be in harmony… If you are disordered, inspire yourself with representations of your true nature.”, Christ tells us (Gospel of Mary Magdalene 8, 5-8). The true nature of man is God who comes down to this world to show him. It is Christ who becomes incarnate to teach us how to live in the flesh. So, if we are called to imitate Christ to find the lost path and light, should we not cultivate this same authenticity in our lives? Shouldn’t we choose to follow our soul rather than the egoic whims of our mind?
The Master’s precious advice for us today is: « try to have a way of living that is consistent with that which your soul would desire. » In other words, « listen to your heart; let life lead you. » This is the only way to rise above all the worries and problems of this world and vibrate at a unique frequency, that of our soul. In this dimension, we join Christ because, allying with our soul, our spirit calms down and lets our heart be filled with the love of Heaven! This is what the Lord Himself means by these words: « I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. » (John 17, 22-23).
But Christ also reveals another secret to us in his message today : when there is connection between the spirit and the soul, when there is no more interior division and harmony returns in our heart, when we no longer try to live in the skin of another person…, the soul shines; it regains its power and man lives longer! This is the secret to longevity. To live a long time here on earth, we must detach ourselves from everything, calm down our minds and live on the same wavelength as our soul. A simple spiritual life, devoid of any heaviness… that is the secret of happiness!