Vulnerability (Message of Light)

From the Gospel of John 12:27 :

Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.

Have you ever noticed that we live in a relative system? A world made of dualities? Light/darkness, high/low, strong/weak, joy/sadness, happiness/misery… these dual realities that shape human daily life… Sometimes our mind bathes in light with its fruits such as joy, peace, happiness and a few minutes later, we find ourselves plunged into sadness… Just as night follows day, so does each person experience spiritual distress at some point in this world: one feels sadness in the soul due to our own powerlessness in certain situations !

Yes, Christ also felt it the day before his passion. It is the limited side of human beings. This vulnerability makes us reexamine our spiritual position; in the midst of these emotions, one is able to question oneself, to meditate on the why of thoughts, words and actions, to question one’s soul for answers… Most of the time, what do people do when they go through such dark moments? They call for help! They ask for Heaven’s assistance, deliverance… But here is what the Lord says: « Should I ask the Father to deliver me from this hour when I am aware that I must experience these emotions for humanity’s salvation?« 

« The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. You will not despise a broken and humbled heart, God« , said King David (Psalm 50:19). In other words, Heaven never refuses the pain of compassion because a hard and rigid heart must soften to let love pass through… « These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.« , said Apostle Peter (1 Peter 1:7). When an individual accepts to suffer for their soul’s greater good, angels rejoice in Heaven because it is a grand experience that infinitely elevates the spirit into light.

We must know that this world is made of cycles. We must learn to accept each moment as if we had chosen it. It is by fully living each moment that we can experience the greatness of our soul! When emotion arises, let us not reject it. Let us take care of it and align it with our thoughts. The more we face this emotion and fully live it, the faster it will dissipate to make way for light. After all, are we not beings of light? Even if our life fluctuates, our light must remain lit and shine upon the world. But for that, we must honor the cycles and know how to choose what happens in the here and now; respect both sadness and joy; feel again and again so that this vulnerability transforms into strength: « That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak then I am strong » courageously affirms Saint Paul (2 Corinthians 12:10). That is the secret of power and light.

Even if your thoughts are constantly turned towards the light, do not flee from darkness when it presents itself to you. With determination choose them and live them. Accept what the Universe presents to you now, and you will be able more easily, to bring forth into Heaven’s Light, the desires of your heart so they may come true!

Good meditation.


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